Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Critique Mag Article 2

Outdoor Photographer June 07
Improve your Artisti Eye
Pg 58 By David Willis

Photography is described as a design by David Willis. He said photography is all based on your surroundings and the camera. With the slightest variations from your scenery to your shutter speed all define the photo in the end. With different different ways of setting your camera with shutter speads aperture and lens choices, these few functional aspects can change the picture in focus and sharpness. He said a good design is open to interpretation and there are no specific laws that can lead to the "perfect design." David and other photographers feel if they give advice they are then changing the meaning of photography. They feel they are setting a "face" around the photo. David feels that just looking at the scenery and asking himself how he can arrange this to make the perfect picture is the key. The article then describes on how to pick a good subject and that the rule of thirds is very important and trying different compositions. Also just experimenting is a quick way to learn photography.

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