Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Critque My Pics

For the barn boards I would like to see it more of an antique look.
The part of the boards that are not red look blue also and does not give
it the effect of a barn. It looks to fake. That old natural look with a glow
would have given this image a more old fashioned look.

After editing this photo I wish I would have deleted
part of the swing set, like the fire pole and ladder. It distracts
from the sunlight and the shadows from the head locks. Maybe also
I should have shadowed more of the background on the hill and not make the
sun stand out as much. I would also make the snow appear more white.

Critique Mag Article 2

Outdoor Photographer June 07
Improve your Artisti Eye
Pg 58 By David Willis

Photography is described as a design by David Willis. He said photography is all based on your surroundings and the camera. With the slightest variations from your scenery to your shutter speed all define the photo in the end. With different different ways of setting your camera with shutter speads aperture and lens choices, these few functional aspects can change the picture in focus and sharpness. He said a good design is open to interpretation and there are no specific laws that can lead to the "perfect design." David and other photographers feel if they give advice they are then changing the meaning of photography. They feel they are setting a "face" around the photo. David feels that just looking at the scenery and asking himself how he can arrange this to make the perfect picture is the key. The article then describes on how to pick a good subject and that the rule of thirds is very important and trying different compositions. Also just experimenting is a quick way to learn photography.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


She was abused as a child
Neglected and abandoned
She cries all the time

For her mom who was never there
For her dad who she thought loved her
For the memories she can't seem to forget.
Karley Murphy

Miranda Lambert
Hey white lier truth comes out a little at a time and it spreads just like a fire slips off of you tongue like turpentine and I don't know why white lier

Craig Morgan

My Pic.

Cause I'm the son of a 3rd generation farmer
I've been married 10 years to the farmer's daughter
I got 2 boys in the county 4-H
I'm a lifetime sponsor of the FFA
Hey that's what I make
I make a lot of Hay for a little pay
and I'm proud to say
I'm a God fearing hardworking combine driver
Hogging up the road on my p-p-p-p-plower
Chug-a-lug-a-lugin 5 miles an hour
On my International Harvester.Cause I'm the son of a 3rd generation farmer
I've been married 10 years to the farmer's daughter
I got 2 boys in the county 4-H
I'm a lifetime sponsor of the FFA
Hey that's what I make
I make a lot of Hay for a little pay
and I'm proud to say
I'm a God fearing hardworking combine driver
Hogging up the road on my p-p-p-p-plower
Chug-a-lug-a-lugin 5 miles an hour
On my International Harvester.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Rainbow Redone

The setting for this photo is very calming. The sunset really brings out the tree line and the lake. I like how the sky really is really clear, which makes me think it is the focal point. The clouds also look 3-D which add to the life like look of the picture.

The lake is nice, but seems cloudy and fuzzy. I would try to lighten up the bottom of the picture(lake). I think this would add to the nature of the lake. Also with the sunset reflecting on the lake, the yellow part I would try to bring out more and make the little island lighter and stand out more. The tree line would also be sharper both near and far.

(Rainbow)-I overall like this photo. The setting isn't too crowded, and I am able to focus on the main point fairly well. The colors are soft and not to sharp that doesn't look unoriginal.

I do think this photo could have been brighter. The ocean appears to be a dull gray and not full of life. The Rainbow seems to be the focal point and should stand out more. Bring out those true colors of the rainbow.

The photo also seems cloudy. If the photographer had a different lens and/or setting they could have made this picture sharper. The rocks on the side should be lightened. If the rocks were shown with their true textures and colors, this would really add to the photo. The sand as well could be lightened. Show the light and dark where the water has just been and where it has not.

The sky needs more life. Not so dull looking, maybe bring out a little more blue. It did just rain and I don't expect a perfect blue sky, just slight more. Bring out the sun peering through thouse gray clouds more.