Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reading Assignment

The article I read was titled Photo Fever. It talked about a lady who was a stay at home mom who wanted a new hobby that combined all of her favorite obsessions. She started photography with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel. She didn't have the fancy equipment or rooms, but took all her photos on her 62 acre backyard,and in her town in Ontario. She found the best results were in her own kitchen with her own creation of backgrounds. She used black velvet in her kitchen on the table and chairs. She also used chairs because she received more natural lighting with still lifes adn lit portraits. She used Adobe Photoshop for a majority of her photos. She liked how it opened routes of creativity. She wishes to take more photos with little editing. She has taught classes at high schools and had students place in a local competition. She now looks at all objects in the eyes of a photographer.
Popular Photography July 08 pg 13

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