Friday, January 29, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010


I don't have any real knowledge about photography. I have done photography at the Jefferson County Fair for the first time this year. I took pitures of flowers in both color and black and white. I used my mom's camera (it's a Canon). Just by playing around with it i learned how to adjust the settings for brighter, and clearer pictures. I even had a few that were blurred out in the background. I learned that the zoom function on the camera doesn't always have the greatest results. Just by zooming in closer manualy, I had better results.

I would like to learn how to blur the backgrounds out more, and make half the picture blk & white and bring one thing out in the original color. Having my main image stand out more, and have the picture look almost like a painting. Learn what I should focus on, the different settings depending on what image I wish to take.